Self – review 2023

As part of our commitment to becoming a better PTE, we are undertaking an annual self-review for 2023.

Chivalry Training offers a range of NZQA registered professional courses and we specialise in a wide range of Driver Training assessments including Health & Safety Training.


Our training focuses on quality and best practice in different industries, we have a very satisfied customer base and provide trainees with comprehensive support and follow up.

(programme evaluation questionnaire form 018 page 72 QMS) (post training follow up calls)


We are undertaking this to help improve our awareness of what we are doing as well as improving our performance. (good teaching practice form 017 page 66 QMS)

We will discuss and go through in detail the key evaluation questions put forward.

  1. How well do learners achieve?

Chivalry Training is always looking to achieve the best outcomes for students. We do this by keeping a close eye on trainees and complete documentation and record keeping.

We know from our completion data (???) that trainees are doing very well. We also see it in the number of unit standards completed and registered. We regularly speak with clients and seek feedback (stakeholder feedback form 032 page 106 QMS) and follow up with employers to see how their trainees are doing back on the job.

Chivalry tries to minimise barriers to learning by having competitive pricing, but most important having a flexible schedule and doing all we can to circumnavigate logistical issues for trainees. An example of this, would be doing training at the weekends / evenings when that was the only availability to trainees, or travelling to them to make it easier. We also limit our class sizes to ensure that trainees have direct inter-reaction with the trainer.

  1. What is the value of the outcomes for key stakeholders?

We produce trainee feedback forms for most courses and ensure we commit the time to allow the students to comfortably complete said form (programme evaluation questionnaire form 018 page 72 QMS) 

We produced a system whereby we collate all the feedback forms monthly and produced an executive summary based on scores. We actively address any “corrective feedback” and or “issues” that may arise.

This is part of the re development of our customers relationship management system.

Our chief instructor regularly meets up with other industry trainers and stakeholders. We had done this informally, however we now ensure these interactions happen quarterly. (stakeholder feedback form 032 pg 105 QMS)

We know we manage change well and have introduced regular formal meetings with the Team and document, feedback change, points of actions and details.

  1. How well do programmes and activities match the needs of learners and other stakeholders?

Through the trainee feedback, we manage to make sure the content is well received. By having highly experienced trainers who have all worked in the fields, we are also able to manage the content to be relevant. Regularly meeting with client`s and employers also enables us to make sure the training is fitting with the reality of the work environment / needs of trainees.

We know we manage the entry requirements for courses very well as most of our training requires licensing and documentation to be produced prior to starting.

  1. How effective is the teaching?

We consider the best feedback from learning is from the learners themselves and their current or potential employers as this is the context of the real world for them.

Our trainers all encourage feedback (as per our monthly executive summary reports)

All of our learning plans are NZQA accredited and we make sure our plans fit what we are authorised to do. We help manage the learning environment by having a professional, comfortable and clean teaching environment, which fosters positive learning.

  1. How well are the learners guided and supported?

We work hard to ensure learners are support and know we do this very well.

We have near perfect completion rates due to the extra time and resources (in need) with any trainees having difficulties – language barrier / reading etc.

We instigate one on one assistance if required and allocate extra time that suits the student, in order to ensure the successful completion of the course.

In most of our training, there is a pathway so we assist trainees to identify the next step in their training pathway.

  1. How effective are governance and management in supporting educational achievement?

We have regular management meetings which discusses and minutes all aspects of the training environment and operational requirements.

This is distributed to the Team for feedback and any action points are followed up.

We have many strategic discussions which are not all documented, our Team is very small and are all very aware of what is happening and what is required to happen.


We at Chivalry Training Providers are producing a very high standard of training and are responsive to trainee and industry needs. We receive very positive feedback most of the time and any feedback we receive that requires changes are actioned with urgency.

Our last NZQA (2021) audit identified that we as an organisation had a solid platform for the care and support and with the effective processes to manage our students.

Through hard work from our administrators with dedication and attention to detail, we are constantly improving and moving forward.

We have also recently been improving our effectiveness when meeting requirements from NZQA by attending workshops with “QED associates” to conform with the new “Code of Practice”.

Chivalry Training Management Team

Take Training To a New Level